Leadership Spotlight: Allison McKinley

Allison McKinley

Position: Spring Break Site Leader for Social Advocacy in Apopka, Florida

Class of 2014

Hometown: Milwaukee, WI

Major: Nutrition and Marketing

Starbucks or Caribou: STARBUCKS

Why did you choose your trip issue?

I chose my trip issue because I thought it was an important issue that often gets overlooked when dealing with volunteer problems. I did not know much about the issue but once I looked into it through the site, I thought it was extremely interesting and wanted to learn more.

What are you most looking forward to on your trip?

I am most looking forward to working and living with the local farmers in the area throughout the week. I think having the chance to live with these workers will really make the experience unique and help us all break out of our comfort zones.

What made you do ASB in the first place?

I did a lot of volunteering at home in high school and wanted to find a way to take that experience and use it on Auburn’s campus. I looked into the program online and could not wait to sign up!

What trips have you participated in the past?

Affordable Housing Spring 2012 to Punta Gorda, Florida

Allison (on right) in Punta Gorda during Winter Break 2011

What is your favorite ASB memory?

My favorite ASB memory was our eight-hour drive to Punta Gorda because that is when we all started to bond and we made some great memories rocking out to Flo Rida in our Tahoes. When you are stuck in a car with people you do not know, it makes for a great environment to make some friends and jokes you can laugh about for the rest of the week.

What is one thing you learned on an ASB trip?

One thing I learned on ASB was that every job you do while on your trip makes an impact in someone’s life, whether or not you can personally see it. The volunteer power you have really does make a difference and it is so exciting to see your hard work change an individual’s of family’s lives for the better.

How has ASB impacted your college career? Has ASB changed your life trajectory?

ASB has helped me branch out and meet so many new and different people on Auburn’s campus. I am so grateful I was able to meet the people I did on my past trip and cannot wait to meet more on my upcoming trip in the spring. I really think it has impacted my college experience by helping me break out of my comfortable circle and make some great friends I would have normally never met!

Leadership Spotlight: Allison McKinley